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With the IMEX OUTDOOR advertising system, products and customer services will penetrate to every individual who contemplates Pristina in its everyday life..
Who are we?
Our address:
49 A Bulevardi Dëshmoret e Kombit, Ulpianë, Prishtinë 10000
Phone Number:
Kosovo: +383 44 347 276
UK: +44 7894240236
Working hours:
Monday-Saturday: 08:00 – 18:00
The Benefits of Outdoor Marketing

Unlike other forms of advertising, outdoor advertising does not interfere with your time at home. In other words, people don’t have to turn on a TV or a computer or open a magazine to see them. These ads are part of the environment, they are constantly seen and cannot be turned off. As such, they create a significant impact.

Unlike other forms of advertising, such as magazine ads or TV commercials, outdoor marketing is unique. This type of marketing is more suited to people’s memory, and ads caught on the go are not easily forgotten.dryshe nga format e tjera të reklamimit, siç janë reklamat në revista ose reklamat në TV, marketingu i jashtëm është unik. Ky lloj i marketingut i përshtatet më shumë kujtesës së njerëzve dhe reklamat e rëna në sy gjatë lëvizjes nuk harrohen lehtë.

For brands and brands aiming to reach a wide audience, outdoor advertising is a great option. Consumers who may not have access to other advertising modalities have direct and unconditional access to outdoor advertising.

Outdoor advertising breaks up the monotony of a daily commute. This means that consumers are more likely to engage with this method of advertising and are more likely to remember the products and take action on them.

Outdoor advertising is much cheaper in cost than other types of advertising, such as TV commercials and other forms. They also offer a greater return on investment, making them a great option for business owners who are on a tighter budget or looking for a cool advertising option..

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Simple, smart, absolutely beautiful.

With the IMEX OUTDOOR advertising system, products and customer services will penetrate to every individual who contemplates Pristina in its daily life.